
Yeah you won, so ?

It’s award season folks, Nobel prize season, Barack Obama won for well … he won but swades was also represented by our very own Venkatraman Ramakrishnan. A bit about our hero, he studied in India, went abroad and you know thirty years later won the big boys best science fair project.

Awesome! Congrats!

This is a nice piece about saar

The part that bugs me is this: “Do these people have no consideration? It is OK to take pride in the event, but why bother me?”

Look, I don’t think emailing this guy is right, I don’t even think India or Indians taking pride in what he’s done is right, and if you’ve actually emailed this guy just cos he won well ….., having said that, Mr. Ramakrishnan given his awesome intelligence could use such things as spam filters to block out unwanted emails and quietly go about his day but no, wasting a couple of hours deleting unwanted emails from mistaken but likely well meaning people is such a hassle. If nothing else you got your undergrad degree in India sir, a little class wouldn’t kill you. Yeah people emailed you, so ? you win the noble prize everyday ? if you don’t want to reply don’t, but you don’t have to whine about it.

Nobody succeeds without a little bit of luck and acknowledging you’ve been fortunate to study abroad while plenty of unfortunate (but no less capable) children back home would have killed for the chance to do so would have been nice but then you’d need perspective for that. Why why why can’t we produce math nerds with a touch of grace about them.

Give Ratan Tata or Sachin the damn Nobel prize, at least they’d say the right things.

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hmk/ / CC BY 2.0

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October 2009