
How to spend 268$

Last Christmas my old laptop died, yes — that’s a technical term, it literally refused to start, kind of like Vivek Oberoi’s career. Anyways, there were some good deals out there and I decided to get a netbook for a change. My new years resolution is to never buy a laptop made by Dull computers again btw. Anyhoo, the Netbook’s been working great and I’ve been trying to convert everyone I know into giving it a try, so here are my random reasons to buy a netbook:

1) They are cheap. So are you. Now get married, call me for the wedding and make sure there’s parking.

2)  They are small. I mean really small (my English teacher would be so proud, no ?). Seriously, netbooks are perfect to carry around, they’re light and actually feel like portable devices rather than Dull Finspiron laptops which need Salman Khan biceps to lug around.

3) They are deceptively powerful. I’ve been running Quake 4 on my netbook with no problems. Plus you can play almost all strategy games on a decent 1.6 Ghz / 1 GB RAM machine, and we all know real men play strategy games.

4) Given that netbooks are cheap, you can use them to do things you wouldn’t want to on your “proper” laptop, like streaming cricket for free for example. Spyware, kya spyware ?

5) You will be cool. Cos I said so.

6) You will develop insane typing skills typing on a ridiculously small keyboard.

7) You’ll feel good about having bought something practical / useful and with solid computing power rather than spending the same amount on something “cool” like a WhyPad.

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zieak/ / CC BY 2.0

Another helpful link: http://www.zieak.com/

February 2010